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Posts tagged ‘pages’

Creating Links On Pages

Link is a post when clicked will go to another view the first. Often writing in our blog source on the information in blogs or other sites . And if you want to make the text as a link on your pages.. (more…)

Making Read More On page (Insert More Tag)

Breaking the page into two parts or dekenal to read more popular is very important to display some of your pages on the main page in summary form . It is useful to summarize the contents of your page length on the main page.  So that visitors may see some summary page at a time on the main page of your blogs.

With the facilities’ Insert More tag “or more familiar ‘Read More’, you can display the beginning of a paragraph or two whole pages just from your main page. And for reading the rest of your pages, there is a link that will lead you to a page that when clicked will be displayed fully. (more…)

Scheduling Automatically page In order for the Rising (Schedule Pages)

Create pages that can be published automatically on WordPress is very easy we have without opening up the Internet again to publish the paper. In the Pages area , there is a self-timer can we automatically set to publish our yard at any given time.  Could be tomorrow, next week or next month, we will publish it when it’s up. (more…)